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Global Arts Workshops

Children in Global Arts Mexican Folk Dance workshop smile and dance in a school gymnasium wearing brightly colored skirts and hats.

Using the arts as primary sources, Global Arts workshops explore cultures from Africa, Asia, and Latin America, as well as indigenous people from North and South America, and the diverse cultures and voices represented in the United States.

Led by our professional teaching artists, (and offered as stand-alone engagements, semester-long residencies, after school programs, and more), Symphony Space's Global Arts workshops introduce your students to the creative worlds of diverse cultures and art forms such as: Music, Dance, Visual Arts, Theater Arts, Literary Arts, and Storytelling. Students may engage with every art form, or we can curate a special experience based on your school's needs!

Through our inquiry-based activities, students learn to interpret and analyze traditional art forms, as well as how they’ve been kept alive through modern history. They apply what they’ve learned by conceptualizing, developing, and refining their own dances, music, stories, theater pieces, or visual art inspired by these cultural art forms.

All workshops include art-making activities and support the development of social-emotional and leadership skills, such as belonging, collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking, and empathy.

Symphony Space is a NYC DOE vendor. All of our programs align with New York State Learning Standards and the NYC Department of Education Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in the Arts.

We look forward to working with you to customize the perfect Global Arts experience for your school community. Contact us today to start our partnership!

Our offerings include:

Cultural Series Programs
Teaching artist demonstrates African dance movement for young student, who mirrors his pose.

Explore traditional arts from Africa, Asia, Latin America, Native American peoples, or the United States through a series of 5-7 arts workshops. Each workshop in the series explores a different art form, such as music, dance, theater, storytelling, and visual art.

These series programs were developed for social studies classrooms, to bring content to life for students in a joyful way.

Enrollment in our Native American, Latin American, and Asian Cultural Series include tickets for each class to attend a live performance at Symphony Space celebrating traditional arts from these cultures!

Custom Workshops
Young student sits at her desk and draws picture of a face during Global Arts visual art workshop.

Explore traditional and/or contemporary cultural arts in any artistic discipline (music, dance, theater, storytelling, visual art, etc.) through one workshop or many.

These customizable workshops can supplement your in-school and after school arts programming, or bring arts activities to your social studies and ELA classrooms. Contact us today to discuss the programming that’s right for your students.

Global Arts Events
Native American dancer, Marie Ponce, smiles with arms outstretched to her sides while performing onstage in fringed regalia at Symphony Space.

In addition to the workshop offerings listed above, our Global Arts program also offers extracurricular engagement such as:

  • Interactive School Assemblies - Our incredible roster of professional artists bring music, dance, storytelling, and/or theater performances to your school with unique assemblies that include audience participation and opportunities for students to join the artists on stage.
  • Family Engagement Events - Gather families, students, and community together to share in the joy of the arts through interactive workshops and performances led by our professional artists.
  • Live Performances at Symphony Space - Students experience the magic of live performance in a theater when they come to Symphony Space for this captivating experience of professional artists performing the music, dance, and storytelling of Native America, Latin America, or Asia.

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