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Live Performances at Symphony Space

Six members from Thunderbird American Indian Dancers wear brightly colored Native American regalia and dance live onstage at Symphony Space.

Bring your students on a field trip to our beautiful theater to see a live performance of the music, dance, and storytelling of cultures from around the world!

Students experience the magic of live performance in a theater when they come to Symphony Space for a captivating experience of professional artists performing the music, dance, and storytelling of Native America, Latin America, or Asia.

Live Performances at Symphony Space are held on the days listed below from 11am to 12:15pm. The performances are approximately 60 minutes long, and can be attended in-person or via livestream.

Resource Guides are provided to all participating teachers to prepare your students for the performance. These guides include performance descriptions, suggested activities to engage with before and after the performance, and FAQs.

Symphony Space is a contracted DOE vendor.

Enroll to attend a Live Performance at Symphony Space HERE

We look forward to welcoming you and your students to our beautiful theater to experience the music, dance, and storytelling of cultures from around the world. For more information about bringing Global Arts to your school community, visit Global Arts and contact us.

Native American Music, Dance and Storytelling, January 22nd and 23rd, 2025
Native American dancer, Marie Ponce, performs at Symphony Space with arms outstretched to sides.

Dressed in their traditional regalia, Iroquois, Plains, and Mayan artists share their stories, music, and dances in a morning highlighting the oneness of humanity and nature, and the foundations of the Native American worldview.

Latin American Music, Dance and Storytelling, March 4th and 5th, 2025
Capoeirista presents capoeira body moves, photographed in a handstand with legs split in the air.

Grounded in Indigenous and African influences, this performance introduces students to the rich diversity of Latin American art and culture, from Brazilian capoeira to Mexican folk dance to Caribbean Afro-Latin Jazz, and more!

Asian Music, Dance and Storytelling, May 21st and 22nd, 2025
Drummer performing in a traditional Japanese Hyottoko mask holds drumsticks outstretched in the air over a large Taiko drum. A woman in a floral kimono sings and plays small instrument behind him.

With performances rarely seen on the same stage, this show celebrates artistic heritage across Asia, from the ribbon dance and other traditional Chinese dances, to classical Indian dance and storytelling, and Japanese festival music that features Taiko drums, flutes, and the koto.


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